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The Dangers of Forest Destruction

By George Pardee

What will most promote the greatness of our state is protecting our natural resources from needless destruction or waste.

And of all our resources there are none which stand more in need of safeguarding than our streams and forests.

A large part of California is semi-arid land, in which irrigation is either a necessity or an advantage; and over great areas of fertile soil the only measure of production is the measure of the water which is available.    Read more »



The California Reform Industry — A Prognosis

In the current recession, the ranks of the unemployed in California have swelled by nearly 1.2 million.

Still, one industry seems to be thriving in America’s nation-state: the California “reform industry.”

The key organizations in the Golden State’s world of reform are California Forward and Think Long, each with high-profile board members including Hoover’s George Shultz and Condoleezza Rice, former California Gov.    Read more »



This Fourth of July, God Bless America and the Affordable Care Act


By Daniel Zingale 

It’s the greatest legal victory for America’s health in our nation’s history.

By upholding the Affordable Care Act, the US Supreme Court paved the way for a new era in health care in this country, one that matches our aspirations to greatness, our sense of fairness and — maybe most of all — our passion for innovation.    Read more »



The “Reform” of Proposition 25?


By Loren Kaye

Some day the Legislature will pass a balanced, gimmick-free budget that will carefully weigh the competing priorities of a diverse state and judiciously determine how to address them. 

While we’re waiting, we’ll be left with an on-time budget. 

Proponents of Proposition 25, the 2010 ballot measure that reduced the legislative vote threshold for the state budget to a simple majority, didn’t promise much — but even then they oversold it.     Read more »



Money Doesn’t Make the Man

“Of the billionaires I have known, money just brings out the basic traits in them. If they were jerks before they had money, they are simply jerks with a billion dollars.”

                                                         — Warren Buffett    Read more »
