
Gender Identity Versus Recorded Gender in Public Schools

Public school students would be allowed to participate in sex-segregated school activities based on their gender identity rather than the gender listed on their records, under legislation pending in the Assembly.

Following the logic, that means a  male pupil, whose gender identity is female, could then, potentially, play on the woman’s field hockey team.

One opponent claims the five-paragraph bill would allow boys to use girl’s locker rooms and bathrooms as well — starting in elementary school.

The conservative Capitol Resources Institute sent an e-mail warning January 6 about the bill — AB 266, by Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, a San Francisco Democrat.

“The promoters of this legislation are exploiting children’s gender confusion (by letting) each student choose the bathroom and locker room where they most desire to be,” said Karen England, Capitol Resource Institute’s executive director. 

“Does anybody really believe it is a good idea for either the troubled or the tempted to be told it is up to them to decide whether they should use the boy’s or the girl’s bathroom?”      

Ammiano amended the measure January 4, the first day the Legislature returned to the Capitol.

Previously a placeholder, the bill originally expressed the Legislature’s intent to create a “Statewide Sports Authority for the purposes of eliminating intrastate conflicts in the procurement of sports teams.”

Here’s the paragraph, England’s email cites:

“A pupil shall be permitted to participate in sex-segregated school programs, activities, and facilities, including athletic teams and competitions, consistent with his or her gender identity, irrespective of the gender listed on the pupil’s records.”

State law already prohibits school districts from preventing a student from enrolling in most courses based on their gender and requires physical education activities offered to one sex be offered to the other.

The bill could be heard as soon as January 11.





  1. Dr. Greg:

    So, if my boy wakes up in the morning feeling bloated, a massive headache, and in a bad mood, under the Ammiano bill, does than mean he can go out for girl’s soccer?

    Comment by Gus Turdlock — 1.09.2012 @ 3:29 pm

  2. It will not be long until a parent receives a call from a school officially requesting their compliance in their child’s choice of gender…some real sickos out west.

    Comment by Dirk Diggler — 1.10.2012 @ 10:03 am

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