
Autobiography of Mark Twain, Volume 1, Page 181…

mark-twain-portrait“The coat of arms of the human race ought to consist of a man with an axe on his shoulder proceeding toward a grindstone. Or, it ought to represent the several members of the human race holding out the hat to each other.

“For we are all beggars. Each in his own way.

“One beggar is too proud to beg for pennies but will beg a loan of dollars, knowing he can’t repay; another will not beg a loan but will beg for a postmastership; another will not do that but will beg for an introduction to ‘society;’ one, being rich, will not beg a hod of coal of the railway company but will beg a pass; his neighbor will not beg coal, nor pass, but in social converse with a lawyer will place before him a supposititious case in the hope of getting an opinion out of him for nothing; one who would disdain to beg for any of these things will beg frankly for the Presidency.

“None of the lot is ashamed of himself but he despises the rest of the mendicants. Each admires his own dignity — and carefully guards it — but in his opinion the others haven’t any.”


Filed under: Overheard


  1. And this is why I’m an MM!

    Comment by Irwin — 3.10.2011 @ 7:53 pm

  2. Gee, I wish I knew what MM is . . . maybe I would wish I was one, too!

    Comment by Sandy Carey — 3.11.2011 @ 8:47 am

  3. Commonly used term amongst us MM’s — multi-millionaire.

    Comment by Irwin — 3.11.2011 @ 10:23 am

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