
No Compliment But Clearly Said By a Student of the Classics

“Diane Harpy”

— A Legislative Staffer referring to Assemblywoman Diane Harkey, a Laguna Niguel Republican

(Editor’s Note: In Greek mythology a Harpy is a winged creature with a woman’s face. In the Odyssey, they are winds that carry people away. Over time, they evolved into ill-tempered, loathsome, food-stealing monsters. In the lower-case, a harpy is defined as a “harridan” or “shrewish woman.” While California’s Capitol finds no nexus between either Harpy and Harkey or harpy and Harkey, the erudition and alliteration of the putdown deserve at least some recognition.)



Filed under: Overheard


  1. Well said. Clearly you like to walk on the wild side, Mr. Lucas. Do Republicans return your phone calls?

    Comment by PasadenaVoter — 2.25.2011 @ 7:48 pm

  2. Too close to comments or a drawing of a African American legislator and watermelon and bugged eyes. This is too sexist to be amusing. I hope the artist is regretting it got this far. For one I am sorry you shared it.

    Comment by Lillianese — 2.26.2011 @ 3:49 pm

  3. Lillianse, are you kidding? The artist is long dead. The illustration comes from a book published in 1918, which was probably taken from an even earlier source.

    You’re just a tad too easily offended. Just a tad.

    Comment by Cat — 2.26.2011 @ 4:33 pm

  4. I misspoke. The artwork and the artist are irrelevant to my point.

    Comment by Lillianese — 2.28.2011 @ 1:24 pm

  5. If the shoe fits …

    Comment by SugarMuffin — 3.01.2011 @ 4:19 pm

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