
This Just In from the Democratic National Convention by Frances Barbour

I was out with my mom and her friends this morning. I was in a very interesting conversation about Sen. Biden.

All the people at the table said he was a good choice and good for America.  I agree 95 percent but I’m waiting to make my final decision until I hear him speak on Wednesday.

After that, we went to lunch.

We saw people on top of a big van saying “Rock the Vote” having their own concert! The concert was to encourage young people to register to vote.
I bought a tie-dye t-shirt that says “Obama 08” with a peace sign in the middle of the zero.
With the shirt, I bought three more buttons.  One shows Barack Obama speaking.  Another has Fred Flinstone putting his arm around a caveman, whose face is John McCain.  On the pin it says, “McCain, the Early Years.” 
The last one is a high school picture of Barack with his afro and it says “Barack in the Day.”
And, my mom scored a convention floor pass for me.  I am really looking forward to going! 
(Editor’s Note: This is in response to yet anther dim-witted question from the know-nothing editor who wondered if Frances had seen some weird looking people in Denver or, at  minimum, people that looked weirder than the aforementioned editor. To wit:)

Yes, I did see a few crazy people today.  Rock band people.  A person selling newspaper hats.  And a person dressed in a orange suit from head to toe. Plus, I saw about three trucks of police, policemen on horses and rows of policemen walking like soldiers with guns in their pockets.  I’m sure I’ll be safe on this trip.
t.t.f.n (ta ta for now)

Filed under: Politics


  1. Frances-I enjoy your blogs. Keep looking for and writing about interesting events and interesting people that you see at the convention. I am looking forward to your opinion about Barack Obama after he speaks at the convention. Do you think he will make a good president? why or why not? Anyway, thanks for keeping me tuned in to what is going on there.

    p.s. you need to clean your room when you get home.

    Comment by jeff barbour — 8.25.2008 @ 4:31 pm

  2. Thanx daddy for letting the whole world that i need to clean my room!also,thank you for the comploments.

    Ps i thought i cleaned my room when i left

    Comment by frances — 8.25.2008 @ 5:55 pm

  3. Francis,
    Great blog. We really appreciate your perspective on the convention since we cannot be there ourselves.

    Gus would like to find out where Obama and Biden stand on animal rights.

    P.S. Lily said, “Obama Mama” for the first time tonight.

    Comment by Brooke and Andrew Govenar — 8.25.2008 @ 7:36 pm

  4. thank you for .it is acctully really cool having a blo a responding to people.did lily really say obama mamma?

    Comment by france's reply — 8.25.2008 @ 8:27 pm

  5. Hi there – I am really enjoying your blog. I hope you’ll share your reaction to Hillary Clinton’s speech later tonite.

    Comment by Rachel Richman — 8.26.2008 @ 6:25 am

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